Gilbey Cup


THE GILBEY CUP is the only trophy that has been with the club continuously since the trophy’s introduction in 1921. London wine merchant W.A. Gilbey & Co. had become A.C. Johnston’s best customer and prior to season 1921, he was able to obtain from Gilbeys the prornise of a trophy. It has always been decided by stroke play. Initially, players were awarded points according to their position on a particular day, i.e. 3 for the winner of the day, then 2 and 1. Should there be a tie in points at the end of the season, a play-off would occur with players playing off their handicap at that time. Now it is best three rounds of four net.  The one every member strives for!


2022Joint Winners. G. Benson & T. Jones
2021L. Triffitt
2020B. Hill
2019L. Kotz
2018T. Harvey
2017L. Kotz
2016R. Meyers
2015P. Gay
2014S. Walsh
2013S. North
2012S. North
2011P. Gay
2010J. McMurtrie
2009G. Young
2008G. Johnston
2007M. Baldock
2006K. Richardson
2005J. Kirkham
2004S. Daff
2003F. Megaw
2002Joint WinnersG. Benson & S. Daff
2001B. Allen
2000Joint WinnersB. Crossman & L. Triffitt
1999B. Donaldson
1998A. Connors
1997P. Schmerl
1996J. Hussey
1995B. Richardson
1994W. Doig
1993Joint WinnersJ. McDonald & G. Speck
1992Joint WinnersJ. Hussey & B. Sparrow
1991B. Sparrow
1990R. McBride
1989J. Byrnes
1988L. Triffett
1987T. Harris
1986M. Dunning
1985M. Dunning
1984D. Oliver
1983D. Goldfinch
1982F.W. Bates
1981F.W. Bates
1980G. Johnston
1979L.C. Johnston
1978C. Sparrow
1977W. Sparrow
1976W. Vaninetti
1975W. Sparrow
1974Not recorded
1973Not recorded
1972W. Vininetti
1971H.K. Masters
1970W. Vaniinetti
1969I.C. Johnston
1968W. Vaninetti
1967D. Seaman
1966R. Link
1965S. Kay
1964A.H. Johnston
1963T. Meller
1962D. Seaman
1961P.R. Seaman
1960J. Payne
1959Not recorded
1958Not recorded
1957H.B. Pridmore
1956D.C. Trott
1955I.C. Johnston
1954P.R. Seaman
1953B.L. Thomas
1952Not recorded
1951Not recorded
1950G. Giles
1949R.O. Knappstein
1940-48Not contested
1938R.F. Trott
1937A.H. Johnston
1936C.T. Kay
1935D.M. Salter
1934R.F. Trott
1933P.G. Malpas
1932Not recorded
1931R.N. Spong (Snr)
1930Not recorded
1929H.B. Pridmore
1928D.H. Johnston
1927H.J. Knight
1926R.N. Spong (Snr)
1925H.J. Knight
1924K.W. Trott
1923Not recorded
1922Not recorded
1921C. Burgan